Semantic Differences between Caki ‘self’ and Caki-casin ‘self-self’
Kang, Namkil

The ultimate goal of this paper is to provide five types of evidence that the Korean reflexives caki „self‟ and caki-casin„self-self‟ are synonymously used, but they are not semantically equivalent. First, when caki„self‟ and caki-casin„self-self‟ have the only NP and even NP as their antecedent, the truth condition becomes different. Second, local caki „self‟ is construed as simply coreferential with its antecedent, whereas local caki-casin„self-self‟ is construed as associated with its antecedent by variable binding. Third, caki„self‟ reveals the demonstrative effect and acts as a free variable, whereas caki-casin„self-self‟ shows neither the demonstrative effect nor the function of a free variable. Fourth, caki„self‟ admits direct thoughts and caki-casin„self-self‟ attributes indirect thoughts. Fifth, caki„self‟ is associated with its antecedent by common reference, whereas caki-casin„self-self‟ inherits anaphoric reference from its antecedent.

Full Text: PDF      DOI: 10.15640/ijll.v8n1a12