Representation of Benuaq Ethnic’s Environmental Wisdom in the Novel of Api Awan Asap By Korrie Layun Rampan
Randa Anggarista, Nurhadi

The form of environmental wisdom of Benuaq Kalimantan ethnic in novel Api Awan Asap by Korrie Layun Rampan could be seen through an ecocriticism perspective. The results of ecocriticism studied of the novel showed that the form of environmental wisdom of Benuaq Kalimantan were identified in the following founded. First, solidarity with Kalimantan nature by applied regulations and procedures for cultivating forest areas called as designated areas. Second, living simply and in harmony with Kalimantan nature by used and utilizing various types of wealth in accordance with the demands of needed. Third, responsibility for the nature of Kalimantan by way of punishment for every perpetrator of the destruction of forest areas. Fourth, respect for the nature of Kalimantan by allowing agricultural land to flourish without used fertilizer. Fifth, does harm the nature of Kalimantan embodied through system of beliefs against various things that were taboo, such as belief in sacred trees and abstinence area.

Full Text: PDF      DOI: 10.15640/ijll.v6n1a6