Turkish Culture Represented in English: Translation of Material Culture Elements in Buket Uzuner’s Novel Uzun Beyaz Bulut-Gelibolu*
Betül Özcan Dost, Aslı Özlem Tarakcıoğlu

Translation has been an important humanitarian action since the first days of humanity and it has been closely related with culture. Because of this close relation between the two concepts; translation studies have recently put emphasis on the study of translation and culture. The aim of this study is to descriptively analyse translation of material culture elements in Buket Uzuner’s novel Uzun Beyaz Bulut-Gelibolu translated into English as The Long White Cloud-Gallipoli by Pelin Thornhill Arıner within the framework of domestication and foreignization strategies. The study focuses on determining how translation procedures by Peter Newmark that are used in translation of cultural elements affect the governing translation strategy, namely domestication and foreignization in translation of the selected novel.The procedures are divided into two strategies as domesticating and foreignizing strategies. Naturalization, Cultural equivalent, Functional Equivalent, Descriptive Equivalent, Synonymy, Modulation, Translation Label, Compensation, Componential Analysis, Reduction and Expansion and Paraphrase are analysed under domestication strategy while Literal Translation, Transference, Through Translation and Paraphrase, Notes, Additions are analysed under foreignization strategy. The results indicate that out of 75 material culture elements, domestication was used 39 times while foreignization was used 36 times and there is no prevailing translation strategy in the translation

Full Text: PDF      DOI: 10.15640/ijll.v4n2a16