Heroism Concept in Fairy-Tales Teaching Materials Influencing Students Dealing with Student Brawl
Nazla Maharani Umaya, M.Hum.; Prof. Dr. Sarwiji, M.Pd.; Prof. Dr. Budiyono, M.Sc.; Prof. Dr. Andayani, M.Pd.

This article contains some results of exploration study concerning hero’s concept in some fairy-tales influencing the act of student brawl in Semarang as one of big cities in Indonesia, located in Central Java. These research findings may serve in purpose of local analysis that can be found in some places with flexible and contextual solution. The study is about discovering correlation between actors in range 12 to 18 years old, students, teaching materials, heroism concept's aspects, and their role in order to solve student brawl problem. The hypothesis of this problem is heroism concept included in teaching materials influencing the fluctuation of student brawl. With Heroism concept in fairy-tales could be used as an alternative method to build student characterinad dressing student brawls. In addition, as a new learning, heroism concept in teaching material which already implementing strategy could be used as isolative learning for student to see student brawl in a whole brand net.

Full Text: PDF      DOI: 10.15640/ijll.v4n1a35