The Interaction between Extrinsic and Intrinsic Environment for Language Learning
Zuo Wei

A harmonious environment is a crucial factor for students’ language learning and their learning achievement will benefit a lot from it. Most of time, the environment we talk about refers to the extrinsic environment, which may set a limit to the study in this field. But this paper divides the environment into two parts: 1) extrinsic environment—the relationship between teachers and students and 2) intrinsic environment— students’ intrinsic motivation and autonomy in learning process. This paper elucidates the importance of both extrinsic and intrinsic environment for language learning in the narrow sense. In fact, the three factors mentioned above connect tightly and any one can function to influence the other two. For students, the nearest extrinsic environment is the teacher-student relationship, which can also be identified as a teaching strategy. It is necessary for teachers to choose an appropriate strategy that will activate students’ learning interest and motivation as well as positively influence their intrinsic learning device.

Full Text: PDF      DOI: 10.15640/ijll.v4n1a15