Verb Nominalization of Manggarai Language: The Case of Central Manggarai Dialect in West Flores Indonesia
Agustinus Semiun, Kosmas Jeladu

This paper presents nominalization process but concentrating on nominalizing verbs of central Manggarai dialect of Manggarai language in West Flores island Indonesia. The aim is to explain how verbs of the dialect are nominalized. By applying closed interview, observation and documentary techniques of qualitative approach, this paper present very valuable findings. Firstly, the Central Manggarai Dialect, has its own way to nominalize verbs but not by changing lexical verbs into lexical nouns. Secondly as shown by the data, the Central Manggarai Dialect performs seven types of verb nominalization like those presented by Comrie and Thompson in Shopen (2007) that is action nominalization, agentive nominalization, instrumental nominalization, manner nominalization, locative nominalization, objective nominalization, and reason nominalization. As seen in the content pages of this paper, Central Manggarai Dialect uses third singular possessive enclitics -n and third plural possessive –d to denote action nominalization, the free word ata is used to denote agentive nominalization, a bound marker or prefix -ter and free word palang denoting place nominalization, the free words le or ali, or wajole, or wajoali denoting reason nominalization. Interestingly to denote objective nominalization the verb it- self, with no certain marker or free word, is used. It is importantly worth noting that the nominalized verbs do not result with the change of class of verbs but to the shift of meaning instead, that is verb meaning to noun meaning, and the verbs nominalized can function as subject and object in sentences. To close, this paper would like to recommend further research focusing on grammatical structure of CMD where clitics exactly called enclitics display interesting phenomenon dealing with cross-referencing and pronoun possessives.

Full Text: PDF      DOI: 10.15640/ijll.v4n1a13