Relativity and Indeterminacy in Pirandello's Six Characters in Search of an Author
Mehdi Sepehrmanesh

Propounding the notions of relativity and subjectivity with regard to truth by such thinkers as Nietzsche and also the promoters of Modern physics such as Einstein has induced a kind of revolution in human thought. Nietzsche argues that what is called truth is nothing more than an illusion, because all phenomena differ day by day and thus our appraisal of them cannot be the same in different times. Einstein holds that everyone has their own assessment of reality due to their specific situation in the world; therefore different people have different views about the same phenomenon. In his Six Characters in Search of an Author, Pirandello shows the significance of the characters’ situation in determining their views of reality – hence the relativity and indeterminacy of both reality and truth. Moreover he blurs the borderline between reality and illusion by mingling them and thereby creates a diversity of perceptions for his readers and audience. The relativity, indeterminacy and polyphony that exist in his play do not let the readers or the audience to grasp any solid truth or firm meaning out of it.

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