Improving the Students’ English Speaking Competence through Storytelling (Study in Pangeran Diponegoro Islamic College (STAI) of Nganjuk, East Java, Indonesia)
Dr. Akhyak, Anik Indramawan

Having good English speaking is very essential especially for the students because it becomes the bridge for them to know the world. So improving the English speaking competence is very important for the Indonesian students where we know Speaking is extremely need to gives the big contribution to students to perform their communication skill better. Furthermore, the newest curriculum also stated that English as a language of global science, technology, and business should be taught communicatively at students of college or university. The students of college or university graduate are expected to be able to communicate English well. It means that speaking is the primary competence to develop. However, the students of Pangeran Diponegoro Islamic College (STAI) of Nganjuk, East Java, Indonesia don’t have good competence in speaking. In other words, it can be said that they have low competence in English speaking. Realizing the condition, the researcher thinks an appropriate way to improve the students’English speaking competence using storytelling. we use stories which rely so much on words, offer a major and constant source of language experience for students. Stories are motivating, rich in language experience and inexpensive. Finally, the research result stated that When storytelling were implemented in teaching speaking it could improve the students’ fluency, grammar, pronunciation, vocabulary, and content. The strengness of speaking using storytelling areThe students feel that the teacher is giving them something very personal, It is often easier to understand a story being told than one which is read aloud because, storytelling give motivation, meaning, fluency, language awareness, and stimulus for the students speaking. Despite having the strongness, storytelling also has weaknesses when it is applied in teaching language. The weaknesses are the teacher/lecturer must learn the story well enough to tell it without the book because he/she might some mistake in English and sometime the class need more time.

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